Announcing LikeFolio FLEXternships
LikeFolio is famous for our high-impact and fun summer internships. But not everyone wants a full-time summer job and not everyone can pack up and move to Louisville.
With that in mind, we are proud to announce our FLEXternship program -- an opportunity to build your resume & experience by utilizing LikeFolio's powerful consumer insights data to research & publish a report on a topic that interests you.
The goal of our FLEXternship program is to generate unique reports that showcase Likefolio's powerful consumer research capabilities while providing self-starting people with an opportunity to put a powerful statement on their resume...and work with awesome people & data in the process!
Preference will be given to students (of any age) as well as moms and military personnel looking to rejoin the workforce.
This program is not a paid position. We grant participants access to our data and team members in exchange for the first right of refusal to publish and promote the final research report. FLEXternships are open to anyone who is not employed in finance, marketing, or research & development.
Three Months of Glory
Everything in this list is done on your own schedule, but must be completed by the end of the quarter.
Step 1: Define your research objective. This can be anything you want it to be as long as it is primarily centered around consumer behavior and/or consumer-facing companies. Expect a few iterations, as we will help you narrow scope and clearly define your question.
How does consumer happiness correlate to company revenue?
What type of celebrity endorsement has the biggest impact on purchase intent mentions?
Which food delivery service is getting the most traction with consumers?
--- Be creative and come up with something you're personally interested in discovering.
Step 2: Access the data. With this project, you will get full access to our powerful consumer insights data, including our famous consumer purchase intent and consumer happiness metrics. You can do initial scans via the LikeFolio Research Dashboard and request raw data via Excel, allowing you to zoom in on specific time periods or research consumer insights at the brand and product level.
Step 3: Analyze & refine. This is where you shine. Your analysis of our powerful consumer insights data will be the fuel for your final report. NOTE: During this process, you will have access to the LikeFolio team to help you understand how the data works and provide feedback and ideas on how to make your report more valuable and useful.
Step 4: Produce your report. This can be in any variety or combination of formats. A white paper, a powerpoint, an infographic, a video -- you name it. Our team will help you figure out the best output for the highest impact.
Step 5: Resume bliss. The best reports will be amplified by LikeFolio through publication on our site, pitches to financial publications, etc. You will retain rights to your work along with LikeFolio. You will also receive a thank-you letter from our founders summarizing the process and your findings.
How to apply:
We will be accepting THREE Flexternship positions for Q2 (Apr-Jun) of 2019.
The application deadline is March 26, 2018. We may or may not email back and forth with you regarding your proposed project.
Acceptance letters will be emailed on April 2nd. There will be no public announcement of those selected until the end of the quarter when the reports are published.
Tweet the following and we will DM you with instructions on how to apply:
I'm applying for a FLEXternship at @LikeFolio because I